Jace x Kuske (they/them/theirs)

Cultura y Ciencia

In October 2023, I did something that not only kept me in graduate school, but also gave me the second family I needed so far from home. I joined the UC Davis student retention program and cultural group, Danzantes del Alma (DDA), a ballet folklorico (balie folklórico) group on campus has been helping students since the 70’s. It has been such a fulfulling experience to celebrate my Mexican hertiage in such a fun and beautiful way. I was very hesitant to try it, but I was encouraged by my mentee (who is also a DDA member and student leader) to join. The group has given me so much love and support, so I felt compelled to give back in some way.

I often say that I combine cultural celebration with scientific innovation through my work. I think that this is especially true with my participation in and collaboration with DDA. Of the 70 students in DDA, two are graduate students. I took this unique opportunity to provide culturally competent professional development for these dancers, many who are first-generation college students and primarily speak Spanish at home. I partnered with the UC Davis Grad SACNAS chapter and DDA to host a small Spanish/English bilingual grad panel, the first of its kind on campus! I recruited Latinas from across different graduate programs who speak Spanish fluently. They shared their experiences in higher education, shared advice about what they've learned, and how they have managed to find a home at Davis where there is a very small population of Latinos.

The event was a huge success! For the undergraduates and the graduate students, everyone gained something from the event, and it felt amazing to give back some of the support I have recieved from DDA. I plan to host a larger event in the Spring quarter using this same format, but for now, I am so overjoyed to have the chance to thrive culturally and academically with DDA. Todo por DDA!