Jace x Kuske (they/them/theirs)

About the Author

Hi! I’m Jace, a graduate student and science lover. I began my science career in 2017 at Cal State San Marcos, but I have always had a love of natural history and the methods used to investigate it. My research interests prioritize understanding the fascinating biology underlying female behavior. Click this page to learn a bit more about me!


From 2014 - 2017 at Palomar Community College, I participated in social justice and student activism regarding many Feminist and Queer issues where I would help host/lead workshops on education of LGBT+ topics, events increasing access to life-necessities like housing and healthcare, and so on. After obtaining my assoiates degree in Psychology, I transferred to CSUSM and joined the Maternal Behavior and Neuroendocrinology lab ran by Dr. Kimberly D’Anna-Hernandez and shortly after I joined our local SACNAS chapter and the NIH-funded prep program MARC*U-STAR. From 2017 - 2020, I competed in university and state-wide science communication contests, I presented my independent research at numberous local and national scientific conferences (SBN, SfN, etc.), and I participated in science education and mentorship of underpriviledged youth in the greater San Deigo area. Because of my Tiwe/Taos Native/Mexican hertigate, my existence as a queer scientist, and my experiences as a first-generation college student, I am hugely passionate about infusing culture into my science. To learn more about this, check out my page on outreach.